NOTE: This section is Under-Edit if necessary: Construction began on August 13, 2013 and finished on September 17, 2013.
Soft-Decision Outputs Channel Decoding (SOVA & 'Symbol-by-Symbol' MAP Algorithms) of Convolutional Coded Signaling over a Coherent Memoryless Channel
The AdvDCSMT1DCSS (T1) Professional (T1 Version 2) system tool provides the capability to model and simulate Single Iteration Soft-Decision Output (SO) Convolutional Code (CC) Channel Decoding using a SO Viterbi Algorithm (SOVA) or a 'symbol-by-symbol' Maximum a Posteriori Probability (MAP) Algorithm. These decoding algorithms can be used in the cases for Convolutional Coded Signaling over Memoryless Channels (MLC) with Additive White Gaussian Noise (AWGN). Three MAP Decoding Algorithms (Max-Log-MAP, Log-MAP, and MAP) are supported by T1 V2. Note that an Information Bit Interleaver and Soft-Output DeInterleaver are used in this new feature. T1 V2 provides the User the ability to select a Block, Pseudo-Random, Quadratic Permutation Polynomial, or Identity Interleaver-DeInterleaver type. Also, this capability of T1 Professional supports decoding of CC Signaling over a Noiseless or BSC MLC, too.Figure 1. Bit Error Probability for UnCoded and Rate = 1/6 Convolutional Coded (CC) Square and Non-Square 64-QAM Signaling over a Coherent Memoryless Channel with Additive White Gaussian Noise (AWGN):
Equal probable IID Source for 10,000,002 Information Bits for UnCoded 64-QAM Signaling over a Vector Channel;
Equal probable IID Source for 10,000,384 Information Bits for Convolutional Coded 64-QAM Signaling over a Vector Channel;
Rate = 1/6, K = 4, (63, 60, 51, 63) a Best (Optimal) Non-Recursive Convolutional Code;
Square 64-QAM signal constellation with Gray encoding;
Non-Square 64-QAM signal constellation with 'Impure' Gray encoding;
1024-Information Bit Identity Interleaver and 1024-Soft-Decision Value Identity DeInterleaver; &
Max-Log-MAP (Maximum a Posteriori Probability) Algorithm ('Symbol-by-Symbol') Channel Decoder using an Unquantized Branch Metric.
Figure 2. Peak Channel Symbol Signal-to-Noise Ratio (SNR), Es/N0 for UnCoded and Rate = 1/6 Convolutional Coded(CC) Square and Non-Square 64-QAM Signaling over a Coherent Memoryless Channel with Additive White Gaussian Noise (AWGN):
Equal probable IID Source for 10,000,002 Information Bits for UnCoded 64-QAM Signaling over a Vector Channel;
Equal probable IID Source for 10,000,384 Information Bits for Convolutional Coded 64-QAM Signaling over a Vector Channel;
Rate = 1/6, K = 4, (63, 60, 51, 63) a Best (Optimal) Non-Recursive Convolutional Code;
Square 64-QAM signal constellation with Gray encoding;
Non-Square 64-QAM signal constellation with 'Impure' Gray encoding;
1024-Information Bit Identity Interleaver and 1024-Soft-Decision Value Identity DeInterleaver; &
Max-Log-MAP (Maximum a Posteriori Probability) Algorithm ('Symbol-by-Symbol') Channel Decoder using an Unquantized Branch Metric.
Figure 3. Bit Error Probability for UnCoded and Rate = 1/6 Convolutional Coded Square 64-QAM Signaling over a Coherent Memoryless Channel with Additive White Gaussian Noise(AWGN):
Equal probable IID Source for 10,000,002 Information Bits for UnCoded 64-QAM Signaling over a Vector Channel; &
Equal probable IID Source for 10,000,384 Information Bits for Convolutional Coded 64-QAM Signaling over a Vector Channel.
Rate = 1/6, K = 4, (63, 60, 51, 63) a Best (Optimal) Non-Recursive Convolutional Code;
Square 64-QAM signal constellation with Gray encoding;
1024-Information Bit Identity Interleaver and 1024-Soft-Decision Value Identity DeInterleaver;
Soft-Output Viterbi Algorithm (SOVA) Decoder (Two Stage) using a Path Memory Length of 20 bits and an Unquantized Branch Metric;
SOVA 1st Stage VA Decoder: Hard-Decision Output VA; &
Max-Log-MAP, Log-MAP, and MAP (Maximum a Posteriori Probability) Algorithm ('Symbol-by-Symbol') Channel Decoder using an Unquantized Branch Metric.
Figure 4. Bit Error Probability for UnCoded and Rate = 1/6 Convolutional Coded Non-Square 64-QAM Signaling over a Coherent Memoryless Channel with Additive White Gaussian Noise (AWGN):
Equal probable IID Source for 10,000,002 Information Bits for UnCoded 64-QAM Signaling over a Vector Channel;
Equal probable IID Source for 10,000,384 Information Bits for Convolutional Coded 64-QAM Signaling over a Vector Channel;
Rate = 1/6, K = 4, (63, 60, 51, 63) a Best (Optimal) Non-Recursive Convolutional Code;
Non-Square 64-QAM signal constellation with 'impure' Gray encoding;
1024-Information Bit Identity Interleaver and 1024-Soft-Output Value Identity DeInterleaver;
Soft-Decision Output Viterbi Algorithm (SOVA) Decoder (Two Stage) using a Path Memory Length of 20 bits and an Unquantized Branch Metric;
SOVA 1st Stage VA Decoder: Hard-Decision Output VA; &
Max-Log-MAP, Log-MAP, and MAP (Maximum a Posteriori Probability) Algorithm ('Symbol-by-Symbol') Channel Decoder using an Unquantized Branch Metric.To evaluate this new T1 Professional feature of SO Channel Decoding, the modulation type M-QAM (M-ary Quadrature Amplitude Modulation) was chosen because it allows for the use of interesting signal vector spaces (constellations), i.e., Square versus Non-Square distribution of signal vectors in M-QAM 2-D signal space. Thus, 'impure' Gray coded Non-Square (NS) 64-QAM and the Gray coded Square (SQ) 64-QAM modulation were chosen for testing this new T1 feature. The Non-Square constellation was constructed by modifying the Square constellation by relocating each quadrant's two signal vectors (innermost and corner) to specific available locations (signal vector position near the I axis & signal vector position next to the Q axis, respectively) that would result in a reduced Peak Channel Symbol Signal-to-Noise Ratio (SNR) during signaling. Consult Figure 5 for a depiction of this NS 64-QAM constellation.
Figure 5. 'Impure' Gray Coded Non-Square 64-QAM Signal Vector Space (constellation).For Convolutional Coded signaling with the 64-QAM modulation scheme, the Rate R = 1/6, Constraint Length K = 4 code [Best (Optimal) Non-Recursive] was chosen.
1) 0.77 dB advantage for UnCoded 64-QAM signaling; & 2) 0.46 dB advantage for Convolutional Coded 64-QAM.T1 Professional (T1 Version 2) now offers two fundamental different types of CC Channel Decoding algorithms to the User: the Viterbi Algorithm and the 'symbol-by-symbol' MAP algorithm. These decoding algorithms differ in complexity and type of output (Hard-Decision and Soft-Decision). The User via T1 V2 can get experience with these SO algorithms as applied to Non-Iterative Decoding in simulated digital communication systems prior to their use in Iterative Decoding of Turbo Coded Signals applications.
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