Advanced Digital Communication System Modeler (AdvDCSM) Technology

AdvDCSM Technology Importance and Value:

Consider the following key points pertaining to the Significance of the PC Computer-Based AdvDCSM Digital Communication System Simulator (DCSS) software system tool AdvDCSMT1DCSS (T1).

1) Reason/Justification/Purpose for T1:

Today, many possible powerful and complex Digital Communication (Information-theoretic) systems could be designed and built in an attempt to satisfy a set of System Requirements for a Target (field) design. The physical study, analysis, design, and/or evaluation of such a Real World system with all of its possible channel impairments (corruption) in the laboratory or field is nearly impossible using the scientific approach.

Consider the following points:

1) this prototyping hardware effort (building & testing a laboratory mock-up) would be a very expensive and time consuming endeavor because of the total number of possible system models (apparatus) that might need to considered;

2) the creation/duplication of possible physical channel impairments such as AWGN, Fading, ISI, etc. that would occur in the field operation of a particular system model is an extremely difficult task; and

3) the knowledge and technical skills required to actually build such a hardware prototype in a laboratory is only found in a few universities, corporations or institutions in the world.

These are some of the reasons why engineers, scientists and mathematicians build computer models (software-based) of these systems and simulate (computer-based) their performance of these systems to study, analyze, design and/or evaluate Coding methods to reduce the Error Rate of Information transfer of these systems.


There exists a Need for an extremely Reliable and very Easy-to-Use Digital Communication (Comm) System Simulator tool [DCSS (T1)] that would be used to produce Simulated Error Performance results where the User has Great Confidence that these results represent the behavior of the User-Specified/Desired Comm System Model. This confidence would exist whether the Simulation would run for a couple of seconds or a very long time (day [s], week [s]).

T1 attempts to satisfy this Need by employing Intelligent Agents and an Expert System Architecture as described below in the "Uniqueness of T1" key point.

2) Uniqueness of T1:

T1 employs the use of two Intelligent Agents. The first agent manages the Human Machine Graphical User Interface (GUI) that is used to guide the input of the User's System and SubSystem Specifications. The second Agent acts as an Expert in Digital Communications Theory. It is used to Validate that the User's Desired System Model has been assembled correctly per the inputted User's Specifications and should proceed to Simulation or Evaluation.

T1 provides three means of Visually Authoring Natural Language Inputs that are running under MicroSoft® Windows® XP Operating System. They are:

i) Natural Language (NL) 'is' Method;

ii) Natural Language Query (NLQ) ShortCut Method; and

iii) NLQ Method.

In addition, T1 uses powerful Visual Builder/Mapper Interface structures to input Error-free certain Channel or Parallel MultiChannel parameters. This feature is valuable especially when a large number of parameters are involved.

No cryptic/abbreviated scripts or commands are used for input.

No Training classes are needed to learn how to use the tool.

T1 uses a Validation Agent to Construct and Operate the Desired System Model of a Complex System-Under-Study. This agent attempts to assure that the Error Performance results (T1: Estimated BER) are Reliable, i.e. sound. The Validation Agent applies a System-level test based on the concept of a "Valid" Simulated System (SS) State for T1. Also, T1's Agent uses "Special Knowledge" of an Expert Communications Systems Engineer as part of its Subsystems-level reliability checks.

These Agents and associated Expert System technology facilitates very efficient and, thus, time-saving application of T1 while obtaining reliable/dependable results.

3) A Powerful and Valuable System Tool T1:

T1 allows for the quick evaluation and comparison of very intricate Comm System Models: Convolutional, or Block Coded Channel vs. UnCoded Channel Signaling over a variety of Single Channel or Parallel MultiChannel types; or Turbo or Low-Density Parity-Check Coded Channel vs. UnCoded Channel Signaling over a variety of Single Channel types that can be implemented as a baseband Vector or Discrete-Time (DT) Waveform Channel Model.

The Vector Channel is an unique mathematical structure that from an information-theoretic perspective allows for the waveform structure of the Binary Coding Channel to be removed. A vector channel is a channel whose waveforms have a vector representation in l2 space. This elimination of the filters issue (leads to a reduced channel complexity) allows the Coding Theorist to focus on the initial Channel Code Analysis, Design and Evaluation of BER Performance without the complications due to the filters issue.

But the Waveform aspects of certain Channels or MultiChannels need to be investigated, too. For a DT Waveform Channel or MultiChannel, T1 allows one to specify the DT Modulator and Demodulator parameters and to incorporate an important Linear Filter model or User-Specified 1st, 2nd or 3nd Order Polynominal-based Linear Filter Models into a Comm System Model.

Given T1's features and capabilities, T1 is a very elegant tool to study Convolutional Codes vs. Linear Block Codes BER performance for a range of very intricate Digital Communication Systems consisting of a Memoryless or Memory Single Channel or a Parallel MultiChannel: Additive White Gaussian Noise (AWGN), Crosstalk (XTalk) or Discrete MultiTone Modulation (DMT) (Orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing [OFDM] Fast Fourier Transform [FFT]-Based).

T1 can be used to investigate difficult to analyze or unanalyzable BER optimization problems involving important extremely complex Digital Comm Systems.

4) A Valuable and Indispensable Educational Tool T1:

T1 is a powerful/valuable Educational tool for a Student of Digital Comm Systems, Information and/or Coding Theories (Electrical and Computer Engineers, Computer Scientists, Mathematicians, Physicists, etc.). T1 can act like an Active (i.e., executable) "e-book" that will provide the powerful feature of producing the Simulated Behavior or Observables/Evaluation Results of many possible realizations of one System Description in the "e-book" ("e-book" + behavior).

Further, T1 is an indispensable tool for individuals who want to acquire specialized and difficult to understand knowledge in the field of Digital Communication Systems Theory. Certain T1's Clues/Queries will convey invaluable information and insight about certain aspect (s) of a Simulated Comm System/Subsystems.

Note that T1 is a manifestation of years of study by its creator of the important works (books) of this theory such as but not limited to Principles of Digital Communication and Coding by Andrew J. Viterbi and Jim K. Omura, Digital Communications by Bernard Sklar and Digital Communications by John G. Proakis.

T1 is NOW AVAILABLE as a TRIAL VERSION that will allow you to use T1, a Digital Communication (Information-Theoretic) System Modeling and Simulation software tool, for a Limited Period without Charge and to learn about the valuable utility of T1 in the study, evaluation, and possibly design of certain Complex Digital Communication Systems first hand before purchase.




BUY T1 (ADVDCSMT1DCSS software system tool)NOW.

BUY T1 Version 2 5G NR LDPC Code R software system tool NOW.